ECH352010 1:35 Echelon Decals - Calgary Regiment Churchills in the Battle of Dieppe (Pt1) #352010
- SKU:
- ECH352010
- Scale:
- 1/35

Part I covers all the tanks of B squadron. Upfront, it was an extremely difficult set to produce. Given that there is already a few very good references at hand, one could still not find all the angles of a single vehicle needed to be be completely sure that nothing is missed.
Keep in mind that of all the allied AFVs so far, the Dieppe churchills are armong the most prominently (and numerously) marked tanks to date. To give an example, BERT alone has 18 markings by itself! And that's just about the average number of markings on each vehicle, give and take a few. To make things worse, the typeset used for vehicle names and registration numbers varied greatly between tanks. It's not just two to three fonts, I've already lost count how many there were! All painstakingly captured down to the finer details given the best references one could get their hands on.
The set is good for 4 complete builds, out of a whopping 17 options provided and over 4 different Churchill marks (I, II, III and OKE).