- Kit consists of 462 parts on 18 sprues plus photo etch, and 3 rubber tires.
- Clear engine cowl provided
- Gun bay open, flaps are positionable, and bombs included.
- Markings are for: 1) P-47N(44-88211), flown by Lt.Oscar F.Perdomo, at Le Shima, August 1945; and 2) 333rd Fighter Squadron, 7th Air Force, 1945
P-47N was The final production model P-47, was produced solely for action in the Pacific. Its new wing had a span of 42 feet, 10 inches, an area of 322 square feet and squared-off wingtips. With additional internal fuel (as tested on the XP-47L), two 93-gallon drop tanks under the wings and a 100-gallon drop tank under the fuselage, the P-47N had a total fuel capacity of 1,266 gallons and a range of 2,350 miles, which was enough to permit it to escort B-29s to Japan in the last months of the War. The P-47N was power With a 2,800hp R-2800 engine, It had a gross weight of 20,700 pounds and a high speed of 467mph at 32,500 feet. Republic built total 1,667 P-47Ns example .An order for a further 5,934 planes was canceled. The P-47 was retired as a first-line fighter right after the War, but bubble-canopy P-47Ds and P-47Ns stayed in the reserved training squadrons until 1955.